Air Purification
Bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms can enter your HVAC system, leading to serious health issues - especially for people with certain pre-existing conditions.
Unfortunately, standard air filters and electronic air cleaners are ineffective at stopping organic pollutants. If you truly want you and your family to breathe cleaner air, check out some of the whole-house air purification systems we offer, then call (561) 988-0460 and let one of indoor air quality experts guide you towards the best solution for your needs.
iWave® Air Ionization Systems - Creating a Cleaner Environment
iWave can be installed in any air conditioning or heating system and it doesn't require bulbs or replacement parts – ever. Its patented technology, called needlepoint bipolar ionization, uses carbon fiber brushes to produce equal amounts of positive and negative ions for a combined neutral charge that proactively cleans the air in your home or commercial building.
This technology generates the same ions that nature creates through lighting, waterfalls, and ocean waves. The ions attach themselves to airborne particles and they continue to cling to each other until they become heavy enough to be moved by the air current and caught by your air filter.
iWave reduces certain bacteria and viruses, odors, including pet odors, smoke, static electricity, and VOCs - delivering cleaner, fresher air for everyone. It also helps keep the indoor coil cleaner.
iWave offers 3 options for home applications. The iWave-R which is self-cleaning, requires no replacement, and no maintenance for the life of the device, the iWave-V which requires periodic cleaning, but requires no replacement parts, and the iWave-M which is designed for mini-splits and ductless systems.
For commercial applications, the iWave-C is a self-cleaning device with universal voltage, programable cleaning, and an integral alarm circuit. It requires no maintenance and is suitable for systems up to 12-tons. Multiple units can be applied to larger systems and its waterproof housing allows for installation indoors or outdoors.
iWave Residential
iWave Commercial
DustFree® ACTIVE Total Home Air Purification
The air in our home may contain millions of particulates, most of which are so small they’re impossible to see. It takes a product, or several; products, that can offer filtration, purification, and sterilization to truly provide totally clean air. The DustFree ACTIVE air purifier supports all three levels of the clean air strategy: Filtration, Purification, and sterilization.
APCO® Whole-House Air Purifier
APCO whole-house air purifier by Fresh-Aire UV uses activated carbon and germ-killing UV-C light to remove odors, chemicals, and biological contaminant throughout your home.
APCO uses photocatalytic oxidation (a process similar to the catalytic converter in your car’s exhaust) to detox the air in your home.
UV light reacts with titanium dioxide which is infused into the carbon, effectively disintegrating captured contaminants, leaving only harmless water vapor and CO₂ which are released back into the air, leaving the carbon cells clean so they never need to be replaced.
APCO also extends the life of the air system by keeping it cleaner!
Breathe Easy with Blue-Tube UV®
Blue-Tube UV by Fresh-Aire UV is the world’s most popular germicidal UV light. Installed inside the HVAC unit, it disinfects the air as it circulates through the ventilation system, improving indoor air quality by killing airborne mold, bacteria, viruses, and allergens - without chemicals.
You could say that Blue is the New Green!
Proven to keep the coils inside the air handler free of mold and the drain pan clean, Blue-Tube UV does more than improve your indoor air quality. It keeps your HVAC system clean, saving you on costly coil cleanings as well as reducing your energy costs, and extending the life of your system.
Blue-Tube UV and APCO Air Purifier have been specifically tested against the corona virus!
A very large percentage of microorganisms have an already defined microwatt dose for UV inactivation including Coronavirus. Fresh-Aire UV systems have been tested to achieve up to 99.999996% reduction in microorganisms and it delivers greater than 4-log inactivation (>99.99%) on the SARS-CoV-2 virus within 0-2 seconds of exposure to Fresh-Aire UV UVC 254nm light systems.
Dust Free’s proprietary ACTIVE air purification technology was tested for efficacy at reducing SARS-CoV-2 by the University of Milan in Milan, Italy on September 11, 2020.
The test was conducted within the Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences and supervised by Davide Mileto, a Microbiologist with the University’s Luigi Sacco Hospital. The test results showed a 99.7% reduction of the SARS-CoV-2 virus within 20 minutes.
Professional Germicidal UV-C Light Installation
Installing UV air purifiers is a job best left to the experts. UV lights are not powerful enough to harm human tissue so you’re unlikely to hurt yourself but, if installed incorrectly, they will not provide the germicidal protection you seek. Let the indoor air quality experts find the best place within your HVAC system to locate the lights and connect them to a power source.
Another thing to keep in mind is that a UV air purifier may not be the best solution for your indoor air quality concern. If you are experiencing cold and flu symptoms in your home, biological pollutants are only one possible explanation. Our experts can determine the source of your indoor air quality problems and advise you on the best way to counteract it.
All-Pro Offers UV Air Purifier Repairs and Maintenance
Like other lighting systems, the bulbs in your UV air purifier will need to be changed from time to time and other services or repairs may be required to keep your system working at peak efficiency. You can count on All-Pro Electrical & Air Conditioning for all your UV air purifier maintenance and repair needs.
Whatever product or service you need to improve your indoor air quality, you can count All-Pro Electrical and Air Conditioning to be among the best and most comprehensive around.

How UV Air Purification Works
UV air purifier use germicidal UV lights to bathe an area of the ventilation system with high–frequency ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet radiation causes cellular disruption in any organic material moving through the ductwork, thereby destroying its DNA and either killing the cell or making the cell unable to reproduce, rendering it inert and harmless. This process leaves behind no chemical residue and offers no danger to humans.
In the late 1800’s, UV lights or “concentrated light radiation” was used to treat tuberculosis. In 1903, Niels Finsen, the man who discovered the germicidal properties of UV lights won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his research. Soon after, they were used in hospitals and care facilities to keep viruses from spreading through the ventilation system. Eventually, UV air purification entered the residential world and now it is a top method of removing microorganisms like mold spores from homes.
In the news
COVID-19 Outbreak Associated with Air Conditioning in Restaurant, Guangzhou, China, 2020
During January 26–February 10, 2020, an outbreak of 2019 novel coronavirus disease in an air-conditioned restaurant in Guangzhou, China, involved 3 family clusters. The airflow direction was consistent with droplet transmission. To prevent the spread of the virus in restaurants, we recommend increasing the distance between tables and improving ventilation.
Click here to read the article
Here’s how NYC is using powerful UV light to kill the coronavirus on subways and buses
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